Looking for a way to upgrade your finances?
It’s possible for anyone to give a new turn to their financial journey by making the right move in the right direction. All you need to do is take the right step by following a few simple tips to save money. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is take the first step towards your financial journey.
We share with you simple yet effective tips to save money and churn the wheel of your financial journey. Few tips would just take minutes to implement and few would take weeks. You can choose what you feel can be followed immediately and gradually increase the count. To get started, go through the list and follow the 12tips to save money.
Although, initially the difference would be small but with time you will be able to see a huge change in your financial journey. Remember perseverance is the key to success.
Let us understand the 12 tips to save money and how it can help you in your overall financial journey.
12 simple tips to save money:
1. The shopping rule: make a list before you shop
Making a list of items to buy before you enter a supermarket will help in preventing impulsive buying. It will also help you in keeping track of things you buy and also help to look for alternatives.
2. Heard about the 30-day rule?
Always buy an item you desire after 30 days. When you do that, you will either not buy the item or the desire to buy that item would have subsided. This will help you in saving a lot of money and savings.
3. Sell that unwanted stuff.
Always sell the items which you don’t use it for more than a few months. It will help you by providing additional cash either to spend or save.
4. Switch to a different bank and earn more interest.
You don’t have to live with high interests for your loans when you make regular payments. There are banks which help you in transferring your existing loans with lesser interests. This will help you in saving valuable money lost in high interests.
5. Enjoy the benefits of all customer reward programs
Only buy what you can use. When you feel something is really important to buy look for various customer reward programs which provide good benefits for the items you buy. These programs will help you in making a buying plan for the future.
6. Enjoy a TV-free life.
Television has become essential in everybody’s life. By not watching TV you are not only saving your electricity bill but will also think of other ways of making money such as side business and other investment plans.
7. Become a gift maker.
Everybody loves to feel special. When you make an effort to create useful gifts for your friends, it will be appreciated and you will also save money on buying unnecessary gifts.
8. Host a “house party”.
Partying reduces your stress. Party should never become a reason for your stress. The amount you spend in a party can take a toll both on your food budget as well as on the savings. Instead, host a house party and prepare all the things if possible, this will help you saving money for useful expenditures
9. Clothes stitched can be handy.
This is one of the useful tips to save money. Don’t throw your pant just for a small hole, or a shirt for a lost button; instead, stitch the button and patch the hole so that you reuse it during your crunchy times.
10. No big budget entertainments.
Making entertainment plans for the kids is always important. But that plan should not take a chunk of your life savings. Find creative to entertain the kids, use items which will kindle their creativity and not their pockets.
11. Game what you can master.
Being video game savvy is good. Only buy games which you can master and which has a high resale value. Always buy another game when the first game is completely conquered.
12. Quench your thirst.
Drinking water is always good for health. But drinking a glass of water before every meal will not only help you to stay full for a longer period of time but will also help in consuming less food. This will help you in saving a precious amount of money in your food budget and also in maximizing your life savings.
Summing up:
The above tips will help you in saving precious money which can be used on your lifetime savings. This money saved can be used for making investments which will help in increasing your standard of living.